Monday, October 17, 2011

Blood Sugar Negative Feedback Loop

What is the body's response to the intake of sugar?

In class, Dr. Rood wanted to show the class how the body responds to a sudden increase in sugar intake. He took his blood sugar at the beginning of class, ate a snicker bar and drank a canned sprite, and then took blood sugar readings periodically for the duration of class. Above is a graphical representation of what occurred. The blue line represents his fluctuation in blood sugar and the red line represents homeostasis, or steady state. As you can see, before his sugar intake, he was in homeostasis. Though the blood sugar readings changed during class, they eventually came back to the baseline.

The Why and How
When the brain registers excess glucose (sugar), the bio-medical mechanisms respond as if glucose is the end product of the digestion of carbs and fats. Therefore, the hypothalamus in the brain prepares for an increase of glucose. However, whatever glucose that was going to arrive as already been digested. Nevertheless, the pancreas secretes insulin to metabolize the glucose it is "expecting".

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